

美工招聘 实用英语短语例句100句

发布日期:2024-07-04 18:04    点击次数:198


Go on English:

The meeting will go on as scheduled. 中文:会议将按计划进行。


Carry out English: The team will carry out the project next week. 中文:团队将在下周执行这个项目。

Set up English: They plan to set up a new company in the city. 中文:他们计划在这个城市建立一家新公司。

Pick up English: Please pick up the phone when it rings. 中文:电话响时请接听。

Go back English: I want to go back to my hometown for the holidays. 中文:我想回家乡过节。

Come back English: He promised to come back for dinner later. 中文:他答应晚些时候回来吃晚饭。

Go out English: Let’s go out for a walk in the park. 中文:我们出去公园散步吧。

Point out English: She always points out the mistakes in my work. 中文:她总是指出我的工作中的错误。

Find out English: We need to find out the reason for the delay. 中文:我们需要找出延迟的原因。

Come up English: A new issue has come up that needs to be addressed. 中文:出现了一个需要解决的新问题。

Make up English: Can you make up a story to entertain the children? 中文:你能编一个故事来娱乐孩子们吗?

Take over English: The new manager will take over the department next month. 中文:新经理将在下个月接管这个部门。

Come out English: The truth will eventually come out. 中文:真相最终会大白。

Come in English: Please come in and have a seat. 中文:请进来坐下。

Go down English: The temperature will go down in the evening. 中文:晚上温度会下降。

Work out English: Let’s work out a solution to this problem together. 中文:让我们一起找出这个问题的解决方案。

Set out English: They set out on a journey to explore the unknown. 中文:他们踏上了探索未知的旅程。

Take up English: She decided to take up painting as a hobby. 中文:她决定把绘画作为一种爱好。

Get back English: I will get back to you with the information soon. 中文:我会尽快回复你有关信息。

Sit down English: Let’s sit down and discuss the plan. 中文:让我们坐下来讨论计划。

Turn out English: It turned out that he was right all along. 中文:结果证明他一直是对的。

Take on English: She is ready to take on the new challenge. 中文:她准备接受新的挑战。

Give up English:

Don’t give up on your dreams, keep working towards them. 中文:不要放弃你的梦想美工招聘,继续努力实现它们。

Get up English: I need to get up early tomorrow for a meeting. 中文:明天我需要早起开会。

Look up English: You can look up the word in the dictionary for its meaning. 中文:你可以查字典来查找这个词的含义。

Carry on English: We need to carry on with the project despite the challenges. 中文:尽管面临挑战,我们需要继续进行这个项目。

Go up English: The prices of goods have gone up due to inflation. 中文:由于通货膨胀,商品价格上涨了。

Get out English: Please get out of the car before I start driving. 中文:在我开始开车之前,请下车。

Take out English: Don’t forget to take out the trash before you leave. 中文:离开前别忘了倒垃圾。

Come down English: The temperature will come down in the evening. 中文:晚上温度会下降。

Put down English: Please put down the book and pay attention to the lesson. 中文:请放下书,专心听课。

Put up English: They decided to put up a tent for camping. 中文:他们决定搭起帐篷去露营。

Turn up English: I hope more people will turn up for the event. 中文:我希望更多人会出席这个活动。

Get on English: Let’s get on the bus before it leaves. 中文:在公交车离开之前我们上车。

Bring up English: It’s important to bring up important issues during the meeting. 中文:在会议中提出重要问题是很重要的。

Bring in English: The new policy will bring in more revenue for the company. 中文:新政策将为公司带来更多收入。

Look back English: Sometimes it’s good to look back and reflect on past experiences. 中文:有时候回顾过去并反思过去的经历是很有益的。

Look down English: Don’t look down on others just because they are different. 中文:不要因为别人与众不同就看不起他们。

Bring back English: The photos bring back memories of our childhood. 中文:这些照片让我们回忆起童年的记忆。

Break down English: The car broke down on the way to the airport. 中文:汽车在去机场的路上抛锚了。

Take off English: The plane will take off in an hour. 中文:飞机将在一个小时后起飞。

Go off English: The alarm clock will go off at 6:00 AM. 中文:闹钟将在早上6点响起。

Bring about English: The new policy brought about positive changes in the company. 中文:新政策带来了公司的积极变化。

Go in English: Please go in and have a seat in the waiting room. 中文:请进去,在等候室坐下。

Set off English: They will set off on their journey early in the morning. 中文:他们将在清晨早早出发开始他们的旅程。

Put out English: The firefighters worked hard to put out the fire. 中文:消防员们努力扑灭火灾。

Look out English: Look out for traffic when crossing the street. 中文:过马路时要注意交通。

Take back English: I want to take back what I said earlier, I was wrong. 中文:我想收回我之前说的话美工招聘,我错了。

Hold up English: The traffic accident held up the traffic for hours. 中文:交通事故导致交通堵塞了几个小时。

Get down English: Please get down from the ladder carefully. 中文:请小心从梯子上下来。

Hold out English: The team decided to hold out until they received a better offer. 中文:团队决定坚持下去,直到他们收到更好的报价。

Put on English: She put on her favorite dress for the party. 中文:她穿上了她最喜欢的连衣裙去参加派对。

Bring out English: The new product launch brought out a lot of excitement among customers. 中文:新产品发布引起了顾客们的很多兴奋。

Move on English: After the breakup, she decided to move on and focus on her career. 中文:分手后,她决定继续前进,专注于事业。

Turn back English: They had to turn back due to bad weather conditions. 中文:由于恶劣的天气条件,他们不得不返回。

Put back English: Please put back the books on the shelf after you finish reading. 中文:阅读完后请把书放回书架上。

Go round English: Let’s go round the market to see what’s available. 中文:让我们绕着市场走一圈看看有什么可买的。

Break up English: The couple decided to break up after years of being together. 中文:这对夫妇决定分手,经过多年的在一起。

Come along English: How is the project coming along? Is it progressing well? 中文:项目进展如何?进展顺利吗?

Sit up English: The students were asked to sit up straight during the class. 中文:学生们被要求在课堂上坐直。

Turn round English: He turned round to see who was calling his name. 中文:他转过身去看是谁在叫他的名字。

Get in English: We need to get in touch with the supplier to place the order. 中文:我们需要与供应商联系以下订单。

Come round English: She will come round to your point of view eventually. 中文:她最终会接受你的观点。

Make out English: It was difficult to make out the details in the dark room. 中文:在黑暗的房间里很难看清细节。

Get off English: Please get off the bus at the next stop. 中文:请在下一站下车。

Turn down English: He had to turn down the job offer due to personal reasons. 中文:由于个人原因,他不得不拒绝这份工作。

Bring down English: The new policy aims to bring down the cost of healthcare. 中文:新政策旨在降低医疗成本。

Come over English: Can you come over to my place for dinner tonight? 中文:你今晚能过来我家吃饭吗?

Break out English: A fire broke out in the building, and everyone had to evacuate. 中文:建筑物内发生了火灾,所有人都不得不疏散。

Go over English: Let’s go over the details of the project one more time. 中文:让我们再次审查项目的细节。

Turn over English: He turned over a new leaf and started a healthier lifestyle. 中文:他翻开新的一页,开始了更健康的生活方式。

Go through English: She had to go through a lot of challenges to achieve her goals. 中文:她不得不经历很多挑战才能实现她的目标。

Hold on English: Hold on to the railing while walking down the stairs. 中文:走楼梯时抓住扶手。

Pick out English: Can you pick out the best outfit for the party? 中文:你能挑选出最适合派对的服装吗?

Sit back English: After a long day, she finally had a chance to sit back and relax. 中文:经过漫长的一天,她终于有机会坐下来放松一下

Hold back English: She had to hold back her tears during the emotional speech. 中文:她不得不忍住眼泪在感人的演讲中。

Put in English: He decided to put in extra hours to finish the project on time. 中文:他决定加班来及时完成项目。

Move in English: They are planning to move in to their new house next month. 中文:他们计划下个月搬进新房子。

Look around English: When you visit a new place, make sure to look around and explore. 中文:当你参观一个新地方时,一定要四处看看和探索。

Take down English: Please take down the notes from the meeting for reference. 中文:请记下会议记录以供参考。

Put off English: They had to put off the meeting due to unexpected circumstances. 中文:由于意外情况,北京抖音美工包月他们不得不推迟会议。

Come about English: The change in plans came about after a discussion with the team. 中文:与团队讨论后,计划的变更出现了。

Go along English: I’m happy to go along with your decision on this matter. 中文:我很高兴支持你在这个问题上的决定。

Look round English: She looked round the room to see if there were any hidden clues. 中文:她四处看了看房间,看看是否有隐藏的线索。

Set about English: They set about organizing the event with enthusiasm and dedication. 中文:他们充满热情和奉献精神地着手组织活动。

Turn off English: Remember to turn off the lights before leaving the room. 中文:离开房间前记得关灯。

Give in English: After a long argument, he finally decided to give in and compromise. 中文:经过长时间的争论,他最终决定让步和妥协。

Move out English: They are planning to move out of the city and live in the countryside. 中文:他们计划搬离城市,搬到乡下生活。

Come through English: Despite the challenges, they managed to come through and succeed. 中文:尽管面临挑战,他们设法渡过难关并取得成功。

Move back English: They decided to move back to their hometown after years of living abroad. 中文:在海外生活多年后,他们决定搬回家乡。

Break off English: The negotiations broke off due to disagreements on key issues. 中文:由于在关键问题上意见分歧,谈判中断了。

Get through English: With determination and hard work, she managed to get through the tough times. 中文:凭借决心和努力,她成功度过了艰难时期。

Give out English: The teacher gave out the assignment to the students at the beginning of the class. 中文:老师在课堂开始时把作业发给学生。

Come off English: The event came off smoothly without any major issues. 中文:活动顺利进行,没有出现重大问题。

Take in English: It took her a while to take in the breathtaking view of the mountains. 中文:她花了一些时间才欣赏到壮丽的山景。

Give back English: He decided to give back to the community by volunteering at a local charity. 中文:他决定通过在当地慈善机构做义工来回馈社区。

Set down English: Please set down your thoughts and ideas in writing for better clarity. 中文:请把你的想法和观点写下来,以便更清晰地表达。

Move up English: After years of hard work, she finally moved up to a higher position in the company. 中文:经过多年的努力,她终于在公司晋升到了更高的职位。

Turn around English: The company managed to turn around its financial situation with strategic changes. 中文:公司通过战略性变革成功扭转了财务状况。

Get in English: Make sure to get in touch with the team before the deadline for submissions. 中文:确保在提交截止日期之前与团队联系美工招聘

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